Tips for overcoming writer’s block

Writer’s block can be the absolute worst thing to find yourself dealing with as a screenwriter. You have the story in your head, but sometimes we writers just can’t find the right words or narrative path to take to flesh out our story.

Here are some tips for dealing with writer’s block and rebooting your creativity:

Tips to overcome writer's block

Permit Yourself To Write Junk

This tip seems a little counterintuitive. The key is to not overthink narrative or other aspects, open up a new document or pad of paper and just start writing whatever comes to your mind.

·       Don’t worry about quality, just get words on the page.

·       Don’t worry about whether it is good or bad, just get words on the page!

·       Don’t worry about whether it is interesting or not, just get words on the page!

Talk To Your Characters

Screenwriting for a film sometimes requires a little crazy to find the story so embrace this next tip.

Tips to overcome writer's block

Talk to your characters.

·       You might find it helpful to think of your characters as real people and treat them like you would any other human being who was experiencing difficulties in their lives. When working on a project, ask questions about the character's life and what they want to achieve.

·       Get to know them better by getting a sense of their goals and motivations, as well as their fears or worries that could be holding them back from achieving those goals.

·       Ask them what they would do in certain situations where they might have trouble overcoming an obstacle.

Enjoy Someone Else’s Work Creatively

Sometimes the best idea’s in writing can come from the inspiration of immersing yourself in someone else’s story.

Meaning, take a little break and pick up a new film, TV show, book, or even audiobook. But make sure it’s something creative and sparks new thoughts and ideas into your mind regardless of how far-fetched they might be.

Seeing what other people have been capable of creating might be the spark of inspiration you need to shove that writer’s block out of your way and jump back into your own story with fresh imagination and ideas.

How to overcome writer's block

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