5 Tips to Help Get Your Screenplay Noticed

Okay, so you’ve finally finished that screenplay that you’ve always wanted to write. The next step is to get your screenplay noticed by agencies and producers.

Here are 5 tips or steps that you can take action on to help get someone to discover your screenplay and get it into production.

Get your screenplay noticed

1. Make sure you have a great screenplay.

Producers go through countless screenplays that come across their desks and will end up tossing out at least 95% of them.

So, the first tip for getting your screenplay noticed is to do everything in your power to make sure it is exceptional and has gone through multiple revisions before it ever graces a producer’s desk.


2. Network like your life depends on it.

It’s incredibly rare for a producer to pick up a screenplay written by someone they or their friends know nothing about.

Get connected with other writers, ask friends if they know people that you need to know, introduce yourself to people at the agencies you want to work with, attend major festivals, and get your name in the door by networking your way to the producers.

Screenplay tips


3. Submit your screenplay to competitions.

They allow you to showcase your hard work, provide insight from other writers, maybe even network a bit, and give you a chance to gain a new perspective on your screenplay.


4. Get over your fear of your work being stolen.

New screenwriters are always afraid to put their screenplays out in the world because they are afraid that some studio will find them and steal all their hard work and claim it as their own. 

The truth is that if your screenplay is great (and registered with the WGA!), they would rather buy the screenplay from you than potentially end up in court because of it.

Submit your screenplay for review


5. Submit your screenplay through online platforms

In addition to attending film festivals and submitting to competitions, do some research and find reliable online platforms where you can submit your screenplay.

They will then take your screenplay and do the majority of the leg work for you to get your screenplay noticed by the right people.

This is exactly why we are building kinolime. Our mission is to establish a socially-powered platform, where the audience, writers and producers can create the next perfect film together. So you don’t have to hustle all over. You’ll have one place to post your script - and find the connections you need to turn your vision into reality.

So, stay tuned. We’re excited for what’s brewing. Sign up for our mailing list to stay in the loop on the latest and greatest at kinolime.com

Help your screenplay get produced

Screenplay Submission Deadline Extended by Popular Demand!


The Kinolime Declaration: For the Love of Film