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How Kinolime Voting Works

To help you better understand how this system works, we’ve put together a concise overview of how to participate, what goes into your scores, and how to maximize them. Additionally, we'll share some valuable tips along the way.

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Craft Kinolime Team Craft Kinolime Team

How to Write a Great Logline

First impressions matter. This article discusses everything you need to know about loglines, from how to write them, to why they’re so important for your projects.

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Craft Rebecca Scott Craft Rebecca Scott

10 Famous Movie Scripts You Have to Read as a Screenwriter

Every great film starts with a great script. Read scripts that got it right to improve your own screenwriting. This article shares a list of the best screenplays to read if you're looking to become a better screenwriter and explains why you should be reading scripts as part of your craft.

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Craft Kinolime Team Craft Kinolime Team

Why Setting is Important for Screenwriting

A setting is any environment where a story takes place. But the setting is more than just the scene of location. We are going to show what setting is and why it’s important for you to polish your settings in your screenwriting so that it shines through in the film production.

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